Thursday, May 31, 2012

And it begins!

THE FELLOWSHIP IS STARTING!!!! I am going to the airport to pick up the American fellows in just about half an hour. They're arriving in waves so I'm going to be there for a while. The HIA leadership definitely wasn't going to have anyone pick them up because they are adults after all... but there's a bit of a Danish-American disconnect there I think. A lot of the people coming haven't traveled internationally much at all so it would definitely be overwhelming for them to get in alone. Anyway - gave me an excuse to make one of those little signs that fancy people have at the airport to greet them. Mine is home made which might take away from the fanciness... but still. I'll be getting an iPhone soon and then I'll be able to post photos, much to my parents' joy. But for now here's a photo that my friend took at "Distortion" last night:
This was past 10pm but it gets dark so late here in the summer... I mentioned to one of my friends that I literally can't fathom what it will be like here in the winter. He didn't even try to say otherwise - he just went, "ahhh come here" and gave my a big hug. Distortion is a five day street party in Copenhagen. it's held in a different neighborhood last night. My mom and I stumbled upon it without realizing what it was last year. This time I was fully prepared and with some Danish friends so it was quite fun! (Not that you aren't fun mom! We were just so disoriented). Lots of electronica, live music, etc. More later... I need to get organized for the fellows now! Alice

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